The draft Active Transportation Program Guidelines were submitted to the Join Legislative Budget Committee (JLBC) yesterday.1 Here’s a list of the notable revisions since the January 17 draft:

  • Clarified that a minimum of 25% of funds distributed to each competitive component must benefit disadvantaged communities. (Distribution)
  • Added that projects predominantly benefiting a disadvantaged community are exempt from providing matching funds. (Matching Requirements)
  • Added that set aside of funds in the statewide competitive program and in the rural and small urban program for funding active transportation plans is for communities predominantly disadvantaged. (Funding for Active Transportation Plans)
  • Clarified that, if an applicant is partnering with an implementing agency, that a copy of the Memorandum of Understanding or Interagency Agreement between the parties must be submitted with the request for allocation. Documentation of an agreement must be submitted with the project application, but a less formal document is acceptable. (Partnering with Implementing Agencies)
  • For the criterion “Cost-effectiveness”, clarified that applicants must quantify the safety and mobility benefit in relationship to both the total project cost and the funds provided. (Scoring Criteria)
  • Clarified that an MPO must notify the Commission of their intent to have a supplemental call no later than May 21, 2014. (Roles and Responsibilities: MPOs with Large Urbanized Areas)
  • Clarified that an active transportation plan can be integrated into a general plan (or a separate plan) which is compliant or will be brought into compliance with the Complete Streets Act, Assembly Bill 1358 (Chapter 657, Statutes of 2008). (Active Transportation Plan)
  • Clarified that the neighboring jurisdiction in which coordination of an active transportation plan is being described includes school districts within the plan area. (Active Transportation Plan)