US DOL recently posted an update regarding the renumbering of the Davis Bacon prevailing wage determinations. Please review your contracts awarded after January 6th to ensure the correct prevailing wage determination has been included in the contract.

Renumbering Davis-Bacon Wage Determinations (“Rollover”)The Davis-Bacon (DB) Wage Determinations (WDs) will be renumbered, effective January 6, 2012. This renumbering is a planned and recurrent update of all DB WD numbers. The WDs will reflect the year 2012 (“12″) and “Modification 0″ as well as renumbering the last four digit WD identifier in a new sequence. Please know that since numbers will change due to the new sequence renumbering, you must search by state, county, and type of construction to ensure that the correct WD is located as the old numbers will be obsolete. The last publication for 2011 with the old numbers will be on Friday, December 23, 2011.

Example: “AL100025″ (AL25 from 2010 rollover) could be “AL120011″ (AL11 from 2012 rollover).

For additional information, visit:

  • FHWA Web page:
  • Wage Determinations