To promote local participation and maximize the benefits of the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP), the Safety Program Coordinator, Ted Davini, has encouraged agencies to start planning for the next HSIP Call-for Projects.  To understand the HSIP program better and increase your opportunity for securing funds, Ted has put together the following information.

WHO should apply?

A city, county or federally recognized tribal government who can assume
responsibility and accountability for federal-aid highway funds.

WHAT funding is available?

  • The total federal funding available is expected to be between $100-$150 million.
  • Caltrans is looking to fund multiple applications from each local agency.
  • The Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) now includes the federal funding intended for High Risk Rural Road (HRRR) eligible projects.
  • The maximum federal funding an agency can receive from this Call is expected to be the greater of the following two limits:
    • $3 million in funding, OR
    • 2 times the: (agency’s population) / (State’s population) X the total funding.
  • The minimum and maximum federal funds for each application are expected to be $100,000 and $1,500,000 respectively.

WHEN is the Call and Training going to happen?

  • The Call is planned to begin in March/April 2013.
  • The applications would be due in June/July 2013.
  • A statewide Webinar is planned for February 19th from 10am to Noon. This webinar will focus on the actions agencies should take in preparation for the upcoming call.
  • A statewide Workshop focused on the needs of Rural and Small agencies is planned for March 6th from 2 to 4pm. The workshop is expected to be available through Caltrans District Video Conferencing Rooms throughout the state.

(More details will be sent out and posted on the HSIP website in the weeks before these trainings.)

WHERE can I find more information?

  • Caltrans’ HSIP website has guidance for preparing for the next call, “lessons learned’ from past calls-for-projects, and examples of funded application from the last cycle. The website can be accessed at:
  • The Local Roadway Safety Manual for California Local Road Owners is posted on the website and provides detailed guidance for local agencies as they consider project locations and proposed improvements for the upcoming call-for-projects.
  • Caltrans is finalizing the updates to the Guidelines, Application Form, Application Instructions, and the SafeTREC TIMS-Benefit/Cost Calculator for the spring 2013 Call. These documents will be posted on the websites by the time the Call is announced. In the mean time, Caltrans recommends using the documents from the 2012 Cycle-5 call-for-projects to help identify their potential HSIP projects.

WHY should my agency start preparing now?

  • All applications will be selected based on their Benefit to Cost (B/C) ratio. Local agencies should start analyzing their roadway networks now to identify their high crash locations/corridors and proposed improvements that will yield the highest B/C ratios.
  • Agencies that don’t have access to crash data and ways to assess their high crash concentrations, should consider using the UC Berkeley, SafeTREC-TIMS website.
  • Agencies that have a HSIP Delivery Flag when the applications are due will not be eligible to submit applications for new funding. The latest status reports are available at: