For the 14th consecutive year, regions and local agencies delivered 100 percent of the annual obligation authority (OA) in California. Of the approximate $1.2 billion obligated for local assistance projects in FFY 2013, $58 million was made possible from additional OA due to successful delivery and the August Redistribution.

To continue the success, Ray Zhang, Acting Division Chief of Local Assistance, has encouraged local partners to their submit Request for Authorizations (RFAs) as soon as possible in a letter sent today. He also pointed out key dates for FFY 2014:

  • April 1, 2014: Region obligation plans due to Division of Local Assistance
  • May 1, 2014: Local formula OA released (i.e. OA will become available to all projects until gone)
  • July 1, 2014: FFY 2014 RFAs due to Districts.

Keep up the great work and let’s make it 15 years in a row!