Caltrans DLA 2016 Earmark Repurposing Webpage:

FHWA has completed their approval of California’s Earmark Repurposing transfer requests. Below is the list of approved projects with the appropriate funding (with Federal Program Codes). Once funds have been programmed into the FSTIP, authorization may begin following the Department’s Request for Authorization (RFA) procedures in the Local Assistance Procedures Manual (LAPM).

Final Approved Earmark Repurposing Project List

A couple of things to note:

  • Repurposing amounts may differ than what was originally requested for transfer.1 Refer to the Final Approved Earmark Repurposing Project List for the final amounts transferred by FHWA.
  • All funds associated with the program codes shown in the list will come with their own special OA, except for the RPF9 funds. If a local agency/Region chooses to utilize the transferred RPF9 apportionment, the region’s Formula OA would need to be used to obligate that apportionment.2
  1. In some instances, FHWA determined that the amounts included in the initial Earmark Repurposing lists differed from the actual amounts in their FMIS database. In most instances the differences were small, or there were some increases. 

  2. Since a region’s Formula OA is normally tied to projects funded with their own regular apportionments, it’s anticipated that most will only request obligation of the apportionments that come with special OA.